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Fecha de registro: 17 may 2022


year of 680, this war was known as the battle of Karbala. The battle was against the government of the rulers of the time which had been summoned by


Hussein Who Said No Full Movie Download



Hussein Who Said No Movie Reviews, Rotten Tomatoes Hussein, Who Said No Movie Information: In the history of Islam, a great war took place in the year of 680, this war was known as the battle of Karbala. The battle was against the government of the rulers of the time which had been summoned by the Mujahideen of the time to fight against the government and conquer its lands. This treaty became a great event in the history of the world. The battle of Karbala happened during the time of the prophet Mohammad, and his first born son, Imam Hussein and his army was in the fortress of Karbala. A couple of soldiers with an army of 20,000 fought against the army of Imam Hussein and his family, the account is complete for them and still remains unknown. The events of the battle of Karbala will be a great lesson for all of mankind. The battles of World War and the Battle of Stalingrad have been fought during the time of the battle of Karbala and these wars were similar in a lot of ways. Imam Mohammad Ibn Abi Bakr fought against the soldiers of Imam Hussein and his family and killed thousands of his soldiers. The war became very wide in this battle and after the war, the land of Karbala was occupied by the soldiers. The problem of the lives of the Muslims was greatly increased, and it was difficult to survive in this area. The Muslims were called to leave their homes and houses and move away from this place which was a slaughterhouse. The Muslim leaders started preparing for a long journey, and they asked to make a treaty with Imam Hussein’s forces and surrender their weapons and their families. These were the wishes of Imam Hussein and for this reason, the Muslims signed the treaty and started their migration. At this time, the Muslims were about to leave the possession of the country, but the spies of the oppressor had informed the people of Karbala of the plan of the Muslims to go away. They informed the people of Karbala that the travelers were not the original inhabitants of the country, therefore, they are not trustworthy. The suspicions of the people of Karbala towards the Muslims were increased due to the fact that the travelers were telling them false stories. The people of Karbala asked the army of Imam Hussein to fight against the enemy troops, so the Muslims would be able to go away safely. Although the Muslims were afraid of the soldiers, they were called to fulfill the wishes


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